How to use ИМЕННО in Russian

Meaning of ИМЕННО

The word, “именно,” in Russian means “exactly,” “namely,” or “precisely.” “Именно” puts emphasis on the word that follows it. “Именно” is a versatile adverb and you can play around with its word order. Where it appears in a sentence will result in a different meaning.

Word order with ИМЕННО

Consider the following sentences. Where you place “именно” will create a sometimes dramatically different emphasis and meaning. We've bolded the words that become emphasized in these sentences in their variatns below.

Please note - and you'll notice this especially in Example 2 - translating "именно" into English sometimes requires a creative reordering of the sentence to convey the transformation of emphasis.

Example 1

Example sentence:

  • Что я должен делать с этой информацией? = What exactly am I supposed to do with that news?

With ""именно":

  • Именно что я должен делать с этой информацией? = Exactly what am I supposed to do with this information?
  • Что именно я должен делать с этой информацией? = What am I exactly supposed to do with this information?
  • Что я должен делать именно с этой информацией? = What am I supposed to do with this information exactly?

Example 2

Example sentence:

  • Я должен купить молоко после работы. = I have to buy milk after work.

With ""именно":

  • Именно я должен купить молоко после работы. = It's me who has to buy milk after work.
  • Я именно должен купить молоко после работы. = I really must buy milk after work.
  • Я должен именно купить молоко после работы. = I have to buy milk after work (as opposed to sell it).
  • Я должен купить именно молоко после работы. = It's milk that I have to buy after work.
  • Я должен купить молоко именно после работы. = I have to buy milk right after work.

Common ИМЕННО expressions

Here are common "именно" expressions with example sentences.

вот именно! = exactly / that's it / I told you!

  • Ты был прав. Вот именно! = You were right. I told you!

именно потому = just because / that's why

  • Может, именно потому это теперь и случилось. = Perhaps that is why it is happening now.

именно этим объясняется = it's precisely this fact / this expains

  • Именно этим объясняется тот факт, что число возросло. = This explains the fact that the amount has increased.

именно тот = very / just the / exactly

  • Вы именно тот, кого я хотел увидеть! = You are just the man I wanted to see!

а именно = namely

  • На Russian Film Hub он смотрел фильмы многих русских директоров, а именно: Эйзенштейна, Тарковского, Гайдая, Рязановаи др. = On Russian Film Hub, he watched the films of many Russian directors, namely: Eisenstein, Tarkovsky, Gaidai, Ryazanov and others.

именно так = exactly so

  • Всë было именно так, как мы и думали. = Everything was exactly as we thought.
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